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  • Campus Crime Stopper Promo – 2016
  • Campus Crime Stopper Video Promo 2016
  • Promo Video 2015

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20th Annual Crime Stopper Conference

Hosted in McAllen Texas 2015!

Our NISD Campus Crime Stopper crew had a remarkable time at Conference.  What a great experience!  Our students got to meet lots of new student crime stoppers from around our State.  McAllen was a great place to visit.  Well done La Joya ISD Campus Crime Stoppers!

Our program is excited to have won State awards this year.

2015 State Awards Received

1. Productivity Award for General Dollar Amount Recovered/Most Cases Cleared – Student Population 15,001 – 25,000

2. Our Program Coordinator, Mike Conklin, was presented an award for his Crime Stopper Coin design.  His design was chosen to be the official coin of the Texas Crime Stopper Program.


19th Annual Campus Crime Stopper Conference

Hosted in Fort Worth 2014!

Our group had a great time attending the conference.  We met amazing people from fantastic Campus Crime Stopper Programs from all parts of Texas. We are excited to have won three State awards this year .

2014 State Awards Received


1. Productivity Award for General Dollar Amount Recovered/Most Cases Cleared – Student Population 15,001 – 25,000

2. Newsprint Competition/General News Print

3. Best Website